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Sara Holmes
21 jul 20237 Min. de lectura
Episode 87: 10 More Fun Phrases!
Look at two phrases from each of the 6 Spanish-speaking countries we've recently focused on in our Cultural Tips: Chile, Guatemala, Ec
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Sara Holmes
1 jun 20227 Min. de lectura
Episode 72: Neuter Demonstratives (Eso, Esto, and Aquello)
What are Neuter Demonstratives? How do you use them? I promised you back in Episode 53 that we would eventually get to these, & here we are!
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Sara Holmes
16 may 20227 Min. de lectura
Episode 71: Contronyms in Spanish, What They Are and 7 Fun Examples!
Spanish contronyms, or los autoantónimos, are words whose multiple meanings contradict each other. Let's look at 7 of them!
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Sara Holmes
18 abr 202210 Min. de lectura
Episode 69: Sino vs. Pero; When to Use Which?
Spanish has two words for the conjunction "but" with the words "sino" and "pero", which can be tricky. Let's dive in!
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