Sara Holmes4 nov 20239 min.Episode 93: Learning Resources! We're going to talk about various resources you can find in my free Language Resource Library, and begin our cultural tip on Paraguay!
Sara Holmes3 ago 20238 min.Episode 88: Book Recommendations for Your Littles!Today's episode is something fun: 11 Spanish book recommendations for little kids, with the focus mainly on children ages 0-3.
Sara Holmes9 jun 20218 min.Episode 51: Reading Vocabulary, Part 2 - Science-FictionDo you enjoy reading science fiction (a.k.a., sci-fi) or dreaming about space travel? Then today's episode is for you!
Sara Holmes24 may 20215 min.Episode 50: Celebrate the Good Times!We made it to 50 episodes!! To celebrate, I'm launching a surprise! Read on to find out what it is. :)