Sara Holmes22 ago 20226 min.Episode 75: Life Update and Pet Vocabulary In today's episode, I'll give you a quick life update as to why I've been gone for so long, then we'll discuss pet vocabulary in Spanish.
Sara Holmes25 oct 20218 min.Episode 61: Animals, Baby Animals, and More, Part 3The final episode of our 3-part series on animal names, today we focus on the collective nouns Spanish speakers use for different animals!
Sara Holmes14 oct 20217 min.Episode 60: Animals, Baby Animals, and More, Part 2In today's episode, we're going to continue discussing the names of different animals and their babies, focusing on Farm and Wild Animals!
Sara Holmes27 sept 20215 min.Episode 59: Animals, Baby Animals, and More, Part 1While reading books to my little girl, I thought, "Do we talk a lot about the different animal names in Spanish?" Hence this new series!