Let's enjoy the beginning of the Christmas season with another Christmas Song Sampler! In today's episode, we look at 10 traditional and modern Spanish Christmas Songs!
Here are 10 popular Christmas songs (in Spanish)!
"Campana Sobre Compana" by Pandora on Spotify
"La Marimorena" by Toti on Spotify
"Alegre Vengo" by Jorge Morel on Spotify
"Canta, RÃe, Bebe" by Coral IES Consuelo Aranda Alberic on Spotify
"Ya vienen los Reyes Magos" by Pica-Pica on Spotify
"Venid y Adoremos" by Tercer Cielo on Spotify
"Todo Lo Que Quiero Eres Tú" by Miriam Rodriguez on Spotify
"24 de Diciembre" by Juan Gabriel on Spotify
"Blanca Navidad" by Andrea Bocelli on Spotify
"5 Pa Las 12" by Camilo on Spotify
© 2020 by Language Answers, LLC
Intro and Closing Music by Master_Service from Fiverr
Resource Links
Episode Content
"10 Popular Spanish Christmas Carols to Learn for the Holidays" by Janey from My Daily Spanish on Dec. 19, 2018
"7 Spanish Christmas Songs to Spread Holiday Cheer in Your Classroom" by MARISAJMOSTEK from FluentU
"Campana Sobre Compana" by Pandora on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish and Singable English Translations, from Beth's Notes
"La Marimorena" by Toti on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish and Singable English Translations, from Beth's Notes and from Mama Lisa
"Alegre Vengo" by Jorge Morel on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish from "Alegre vengo. Letra de villancicos para niños" by Guiainfantil.com, Dec. 20, 2016 --Lyrics in En glish from Puerto Rico is Music!
--Some cultural insight/more songs from, "The Hit Parade of 17 Christmas Songs in Spanish from Puerto Rico" from SpeakingLatino.com
"Canta, RÃe, Bebe" by Coral IES Consuelo Aranda Alberic on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish and English from Beth's Notes
"Ya vienen los Reyes Magos" by Pica-Pica on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish from Quedeletras.com --Lyrics in Spanish and English from Beth's Notes --Some cultural insight from "¡Ya Vienen Los Reyes Magos! The Three Wise Men Are Coming!" by Inside Mexico on Dec. 27, 2018; from "Teaching about Los Reyes Magos in Spanish Class" by SpanishProfe.com; and "Celebrating the Epiphany in Spain" by Christine Medina from The Spain Scoop --"Roscón de Reyes Recipe (Spanish Kings’ Cake)" by David Pope, updated on October 22, 2020 --"How to make Rosca de Reyes Recipe" and "Ponche Navideño Mexicano" by Mely MartÃnez from Mexico in my Kitchen, updated Sep 12, 2019.
"Venid y Adoremos" by Tercer Cielo on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish with direct English translation, from translatelyrics.net
"Todo Lo Que Quiero Eres Tú" by Miriam Rodriguez on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish from Metromusic.com
"24 de Diciembre" by Juan Gabriel on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish and English translation, from lyricstranslate.com
"Blanca Navidad" by Andrea Bocelli on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish, and direct English Translation, from lyricstranslate.com
"5 Pa Las 12" by Camilo on Spotify --Lyrics in Spanish, from letras.com
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